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Snare Drumming
The Setup
1. How to Hold the Sticks (4:20)
2. Set Position (5:12)
3. Stroke Types (4:54)
4. 8-8-16 (5:49)
5. Accent Tap (8:52)
6. Tap Pyramid (4:43)
7. Taps and Accents (2:02)
8. Hugga Dix (2:02)
9. 16th note check patterns groupings of 3 (6:15)
10. 16th note check patterns groupings of 2 (2:20)
11. 16th Note Check Patterns (1 note variations) (2:41)
12. Triplet Timing (3:37)
13. Triplet Timing Variations (2:05)
14. Triplet Timing Downbeat Accents (3:38)
15. Triplet Timing Second Partial Accents (3:35)
16. Triplet Timing Third Partial Accents (3:19)
Double Strokes
17. Roll Builder (2:35)
18. Triplet Short-Short-Long (4:11)
19. Short-Short-Long with dynamics (3:56)
20. Short-Short-Long single diddle variations (4:24)
21. 16th note Short-Short-Long (2:00)
22. Inverted rolls (2:53)
23. 8 and 25 (2:23)
24. Triplet Diddle (2:33)
25. Triplet Diddle with Buzzes (2:40)
Introduction to Grids
26. 4-2-1 Triplet Grid (3:59)
27. Double Accent Triplet Grid (2:39)
28. 16th Note Grid (2:41)
29. LegatoTwtich Grid (5:33)
Hand Speed Variations
30. Hand speed variations 8th note check (3:21)
31. Hand speed variations triplet check (2:06)
32. Hand speed variations 16th note check (2:08)
33. Hand speed variations 5'let check (2:09)
34. Hand speed variations sextuplet check (1:57)
35. Flam Accents (3:17)
36. Flam Interp. Breakdown (1:28)
37. Flam taps (2:36)
38. Flam Accent & Flam tap breakdown (1:46)
39. Inverted Flam Taps (2:59)
40. Flam Accents & Inverted Flam Taps (2:01)
41. Pataflafla Breakdown (2:28)
42. Flam Drags (3:16)
43. Cheeses (2:43)
44. Flam Fives (2:17)
45. Paradiddle Breakdown (2:03)
46. Paradiddlediddle Breakdown (1:59)
47. Double Paradiddle Breakdown (2:26)
48. Paradiddle breakdown (3:34)
49. Puh duh duh breakdown (2:48)
50. Puh duh duh Interp. (3:54)
Grid Variations
51. Triplet grid downbeat buzz (2:42)
52. Triplet Grid Downbeat Diddle (2:15)
53. Triplet Grid Moving Flam (2:27)
54. Herta Grid (2:54)
55. Fivelet Grid (4:10)
56. Cheese Grid (2:54)
57. Cheese Buzz Grid (2:44)
58. Flam Drag Grid (2:40)
59. Third Partial Flam Drag Grid (4:03)
60. Flam Five Grid (3:12)
61. Third Partial Flam Five Grid (2:59)
62. Inverted Backwards Triplet Grid (2:49)
Advanced Concepts II
63. 7 stroke calibration (8:18)
64. Invert Build (3:39)
65. Choo Choo Breakdown (2:16)
66. Book Report Breakdown (2:18)
67. Triplet Partial Spree (4:05)
68. Legatos Pressure Changes (9:32)
69. Legatos Pressure Changes with Accents (7:14)
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1. How to Hold the Sticks
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